Saturday, September 15, 2012

coffee and tee

With blogs there is a good view

 of blogs.

 In my work Hehe.... with Ams and lessons and stuff about my search for work, cause i am not hired of a company , .

 i made a new blog and changed.... a lot for the market in my area where i live....

 Here . have a view :d

First i wanted to make a new one for the indi, hindu, uru market. There are... some access to my sites from
this country. A few views is for the moment 

  • much

so i did it for my homearea and other languages will follow.

Comments will help me ... so thanks :d

Thursday, September 6, 2012

ph ilosopy

Hi there :d

You know what to do!


Philosophy is verry easy :d
Think on something you like to do next....
ie. you are cooking and the wather is still you are waiting that the water gets hot....
The next cooking step
to do some vegetables inside. So this next step is the goal!
The goal, the finish, the philosophical sentence is to add some vegetables to the boiling


Philosophs are working hard for years to write a sentence with only a few words
to find the sollution -

Be satisfied with good food :d


Monday, September 3, 2012

A R B E I T Ä N :d


mal wieder auf Jobsuche unterwegs :d

na dann :d

Auf zum Möbelpacken ;)